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UMiSF 2011- Brief Introduction

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UMiSF stands for University of Moratuwa International Shuttlers' Fest. Every year Badminton Mora organizes
1) an inter-university event where university teams participate in a knockout competition and
2) a school event where the competition is held under 5 age categories.

This year we have invited several foreign universities as well to take part in the inter-university event. This will be the first time in Sri Lanka's university history that an international badminton fest will be organized. Therefore wish us luck. :)

However this won't affect the school tournament at all. It will be held just like last time but better. We have taken your previous year's feedback into account. The school event is planned to be held from 4th to 13th of May 2011. Still everything is in pipeline. Please stay with this website for the latest info.

If you want to check out the international event website, please visit www.badmintonmora.com.

Thank you